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Dear friends,

On Fri­day Jan­u­ary 19, I had meet­ings in the Chek Maqsûd neigh­bor­hood in Alep­po and on Sat­ur­day Jan­u­ary 20, the bomb­ings start­ed, so, for now, I’m stuck in the neigh­bor­hood. Roads to Afrin have been closed by the regime.

My two broth­ers are in Afrin. One is a doc­tor tend­ing to the wound­ed and the oth­er is a jour­nal­ist who keeps me informed on what is real­ly going on.

The sit­u­a­tion is dis­as­trous, esep­cial­ly in the areas of Jendêrêsse and Rajo. Erdoğan has com­mit­ted mas­sacres against civil­ians and espe­cial­ly against refugees in the camps. The local inhab­i­tants in the bor­der vil­lages, women and chil­dren most­ly, have tak­en refuge or hid­den in cel­lars and base­ments and have moved over to the down­town area.

The peo­ple’s morale is very high and they are not afraid. There is great resis­tance and total mobi­liza­tion. The Turk­ish army has declared for­feit and has not moved for­ward by so much as a cen­time­ter. The tac­tics employed by the YPG et YPJ com­bat­ants along with those of the Syr­i­an Demo­c­ra­t­ic Forces have kept Erdoğan’s ter­ror­ists from advanc­ing. There is even infor­ma­tion cir­cu­lat­ing accord­ing to which the ter­ror­ists and Erdoğan’s bands are at each oth­ers’ throats on the oth­er side of the bor­der, and that those that with­draw in the direc­tion of Turkey are eradicated.

I will keep you informed on what hap­pened and on what is present­ly going on…

Myself, I’m look­ing for a route allow­ing me back into Afrin.

Long live Afrin !

Speak to you soon
Gulis­tan Sido

27/1/2018 – 18:08

READ ALSO: En direct d’Afrîn • Gülis­tan Sido par­le du Roja­va… (in French)

Photo : Welat TV-Radio, Afrin Road
Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges
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