Fol­low­ing the attri­bu­tion to her of the Free­thinker Prize last Novem­ber 5th in Zurich, Switzer­land, through Amnesty Inter­na­tion­al Gene­va, is orga­niz­ing an exhi­bi­tion of some twen­ty prints of Zehra Doğan’s works, on Novem­ber 24th.

The Gene­va City Hall is sup­port­ing this ini­tia­tive by the Amnesty Gene­va groups, in the frame­work of the “Let’s Dare Courage!” cam­paign for Human Rights Defendors, focussing on Turkey.

The twen­ty or so prints pro­vide a good overview of Zehra Doğan’s “escaped works”.

This exhi­bi­tion titled “Les yeux grands ouverts” (Eyes Wide Open), will be held on the first floor of the Alham­bar café restau­rant, 10 rue de la Rôtis­serie in Gene­va and will run until Decem­ber 10. 

Click to enlarge

A round table will allow exchanges around Zehra’s emblem­at­ic case, the sit­u­a­tion in Turkey, as well as that of the Amnesty Turkey activists whose fate remains prob­lem­at­ic whether incar­cer­at­ed or released pend­ing fur­ther action.

Post­cards will be avail­able for con­tact with the pris­on­er, along with a book ded­i­cat­ed to Zehra and con­tain­ing the major­i­ty of her works done pri­or to June 2017, along with texts. And, of course, some kedi will be on hand for the event.

The sup­port cam­paign is grow­ing. After PEN Inter­na­tion­al placed Zehra on the list of authors and jour­nal­ists sub­ject­ed to repres­sion it is cham­pi­oning, and fol­low­ing Reporters With­out Fron­tiers, sec­tions of Amnesty Inter­na­tion­al are now bring­ing Zehra’s case to light.

Oppo­si­tion media in Turkey can final­ly echo these devel­op­ments so they can be read and shared in-country.

Kedis­tan will con­tin­ue its sup­port and can already announce oth­er upcom­ing exhi­bi­tions accom­pa­nied by round tables, debates, concerts.

In sequence, from now until May 2017 the region of Mor­laix, Angers and Paris are  pro­grammed or being final­ized for the orig­i­nal works. Oth­er upcom­ing dates will involve the trav­el­ling exhi­bi­tion of 20 reproductions.

For those now dis­cov­er­ing this sup­port cam­paign, all addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion may be found in this spe­cial dossier on Kedistan.

Exhibition closed since December 1st

Français: Sou­tien • Zehra Doğan s’ex­pose à Genève Cliquez pour lire

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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.