Zehra, is this then the way women live? Aragon would have writ­ten to you in this way, we are sure of it.

But your words are the ones we are insert­ing in this arti­cle, the ones with which you could have answered him.

Words, short excerpts, of let­ters you sent us. There would be so many oth­ers, among the most recent, where you speak of “strength” and of the con­fine­ment that makes you draw strength from with­in in order to share it with your jailed companions.

So until you can speak to the many, when your draw­ings and can­vass­es will final­ly be exhib­it­ed before their eyes in the com­ing months, in Gene­va, Paris, in Brit­tany or again in South­ern France, we set down your words here, in disarray…

And for those who don’t know you well, we sim­ply remind them there is a book that talks about you

As for our sec­tion it is sur­round­ed by barbed wire. Even the barred win­dows are cov­ered over with barbed wire. Every night, two stars appear in the sky. To see them, I climb toward the win­dow. But this time, the barbed wire cuts off the view…”

We live a com­mu­nal life all togeth­er. Every­thing we own is held in com­mon. Even our pain and our joy are com­mon. And this makes a human being strong.”

I keep on draw­ing on news­pa­pers, even if it’s with a ball­point. I’ve also start­ed writ­ing short sto­ries. Here, every woman has a dif­fer­ent sto­ry. I’m think­ing of writ­ing their sto­ries and illus­trat­ing them. If I come out some day, I’ll also be able to paint them on can­vas. In those moments my incar­cer­a­tion doesn’t weigh too heav­i­ly on me. In those moments, inside and out­side appear the same to me. The heav­i­est is telling your­self you are not guilty, that the real crime is in accus­ing you unjust­ly, and that the per­son fac­ing you is no dif­fer­ent than a cold wall.”

Then, the let­ters arrive… I fill up with enthu­si­asm, telling myself there’s life somewhere.”

Here, each one has her sto­ry. A friend keeps say­ing : ‘They stole our dreams from us. We can’t dream any­more.’ And it’s true. Through try­ing to pro­tect our­selves from the vio­lence and think­ing about what can hap­pen to us at any moment, we can’t build our dreams any­more. Life is tough, but if you’re a Kurd or from any oth­er oppressed peo­ple in any oth­er coun­try, then life is ten times tougher.”

It’s as if we were an accursed peo­ple. There is no child­hood, no youth. They didn’t allow us to live any­thing. If we were asked, per­haps we would be the ones best able to describe hap­pi­ness, because we hunger for it. It’s the per­son about to die of thirst that can best describe water. The same is true for us.”

I draw con­stant­ly in my head. I trans­form the slight­est form. For instance, be it noth­ing but a bit of chipped paint on the wall, I see fig­ures in it. I draw on the news­pa­pers. I write sto­ries. In the future, I hope to hold a exhi­bi­tion where, next to each paint­ing of a woman, there will be her story.”

Zehra who loves you very much.
Sum­mer 2017, Amed Gaol


At Kedis­tan, we nev­er cease repeat­ing that our com­mit­ment to sup­port­ing Zehra Doğan through her tri­al of impris­on­ment is linked to three essen­tial things.

• First of all, in these three years, she has become a friend, as jour­nal­ist, as woman, as true rebel, a kedi by adoption…

• She has gone through these last years liv­ing and embody­ing the strength of a human­i­ty pre­served against the sav­agery of a State, a human­i­ty she has expressed as an artist/journalist and a Kur­dish woman. Four qual­i­ties fought by the steam roller and the obscu­ran­tism of the AKP regime in Turkey.

• She speaks for all of us, and gives up noth­ing of her will to remain in col­lec­tive speech and sol­i­dar­i­ty, despite this sec­ond jail term. “The Stone Build­ing” will not have the best of her.

So, after hav­ing man­aged the escape of her works, some of us have imag­ined how we could have Zehra speak beyond the walls of the building.

The book that will be in book­stores in Janu­ray has opened the way and the voice. The exhi­bi­tion, now ready for all the hang­ings, will open “the eyes”.

We will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to talk more wide­ly of the present and the past in Turkey, of the pos­si­bil­i­ties open­ing up in the Mid­dle East, despite the bar­bar­i­ty and the war. Every sol­i­dar­i­ty will be woven large.

So what can you do at your end?

• You can write to Zehra, on con­di­tion of doing so in Turk­ish. You will find mod­els you can copy HERE. You can orga­nize writ­ing work­shops, you can make oth­ers dis­cov­er the book…

PLEASE NOTE: A forced removal mea­sure has just been tak­en by the Turk­ish State against Zehra Doğan. She has been sent to the sin­is­ter prison in Tar­sus (Octo­ber 23, 2018). READ: Turkey • Zehra Doğan deport­ed with 20 prisoners
None of the cor­re­spon­dence sent to to the for­mer address in Diyarbakır prison will reach Zehra. New address:

Zehra Doğan C‑3
Tarsus Kadın Kapalı CİK 
Alifakı Mahallesi Alifakı sokak 
Tarsus – MERSİN 

• You can help us reim­burse the loan that allowed for the logis­tics of this cam­paign, for the exhi­bi­tion, the fram­ing of 50 works (6000€). The fund dri­ve appeal is HERE.

Buy­ing the book via the Kedis­tan web­site means an auto­mat­ic 6 € in the kit­ty. You can place orders around where you live. The book will be in book­stores in January.

You can con­tact us to orga­nize events in 2018, know­ing that a pro­gram is already under­way which we will adver­tise very soon. An exhi­bi­tion of 20 high-qual­i­ty repro­duc­tions will be avail­able as of Decem­ber at favor­able rates for the mod­est bud­gets of local associations…

• You can share these arti­cles on your social media pages, with your lists of friends… Get into the habit, by click­ing on the link on the right of the arti­cle, it’s important.

We do not freely pub­lish “images” of Zehra’s works. Kedis­tan now is man­dat­ed to pro­tect Zehra’s intel­lec­tu­al and artis­tic prop­er­ty and she intends to sell these works in 2019. The funds from this sale will go to the fam­i­lies of pris­on­ers and to those who lost every­thing dur­ing the destruc­tions of these past three years.

All media may of course par­tic­i­pate in their fash­ion by tak­ing advan­tage of the spe­cial dossier. AVAILABLE HERE.

For Zehra’s web­site in three lan­guages and the ded­i­cat­ed page : the face­book page and the web­site.

Zehra Doğan must recov­er her free­dom and your sup­port will con­tribute to that aim.

If, for Aragon, “woman was man’s future”, it is said that she will also be the future of the Mid­dle East…

Zehra Doğan, Aragon t’au­rait écrit aussi…

Zehra Doğan, Aragon tam­bién te hubiese escrito…  Haga clic para leer
Zehra Doğan, Aragon t’au­rait écrit aus­si…
 Cliquez pour lire

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Translation & writing by Kedistan. You may use and share Kedistan’s articles and translations, specifying the source and adding a link in order to respect the writer(s) and translator(s) work. Thank you.
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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.