We have learned of the recent fail­ure of an oper­a­tion orga­nized by the MIT (Turk­ish Intel­li­gence Ser­vice) tar­get­ing lead­ers of the PKK.

Accord­ing to sources close to the PKK, the MIT was plan­ning an attack sim­i­lar to the assas­si­na­tion of three Kur­dish activists — Sakine Can­sız, Fidan Doğan and Ley­la Sayle­mez – in Paris in Jan­u­ary 2013.

Ömer Güney, pre­sumed author of that triple assas­si­na­tion died in Decem­ber 2016 of a brain dis­ease before his tri­al sched­uled for ear­ly 2017. French inves­ti­ga­tors had con­clud­ed to the « involve­ment » of mem­bers of the Turk­ish Intel­li­gence Ser­vice, MIT, accord­ing to a source close to the case. But they remained cau­tious as to the degree of MIT’s involve­ment, and on the iden­ti­ty of the one giv­ing orders. As not­ed by the prosecutor’s office in the sum­mer of 2015, pri­or to M. Güney’s tri­al being sent up before the courts, the inquest could not estab­lish if these agents had act­ed « with their supe­ri­ors’ autho­riza­tion » or « unbe­knownst to their ser­vice in order to dis­cred­it it or to harm the peace process » then under­way between Ankara and the PKK.

Alle­ga­tions by the PKK that mem­bers of the MIT would once again have been caught red-hand­ed has cre­at­ed ten­sions between the AKP and the Patri­ot­ic Union of Kur­dis­tan (PUK). This ten­sion is what attract­ed atten­tion and brought the event to light.

As the Turk­ish Min­is­ter for Exter­nal Affairs, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, was vis­it­ing Hewlêr, on August 23rd Turkey closed the PUK’s rep­re­sen­ta­tion in Ankara, despite its pres­ence there for 17 years, and expelled it’s rep­re­sen­ta­tive Behroz Gelalî. While every­one was try­ing to under­stand the rea­sons behind this deci­sion, Gelalî return­ing toward Souley­manieh declared that « With­in Souleymaniye’s bor­ders, a prob­lem occurred with Turkey », with­out pro­vid­ing fur­ther information.

How­ev­er, two days lat­er, the PUK’s spokesman Sedî Ehmed Pîrê, speak­ing on the Voice of Amer­i­ca (VOA) announced that “The MIT had pre­pared an oper­a­tion tar­get­ing the PKK, that this oper­a­tion had been uncov­ered and dis­man­tled and that Turkey was accus­ing the PUK. »

On August 28, Diyar Xerîb, a mem­ber of the Pres­i­den­tial Coun­cil of the Kur­dis­tan Com­mu­ni­ties Union (KCK) con­firmed the « cap­ture » of MIT mem­bers : « We were able to bring them before the cam­eras by putting bags over their heads. » As for Cemil Bayık, co-Pres­i­dent of the KCK’s Exec­u­tive Coun­cil, speak­ing on the News Chan­nel yes­ter­day, he spec­i­fied that « a large-scale plot was uncov­ered and stopped. »

Accord­ing to infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed to inter­na­tion­al news agen­cies by sources close to the PKK, the MIT has been involved for a long time in the prepa­ra­tion of attacks and kid­nap­pings, tar­get­ing high-lev­el cadres in the PKK. Sev­er­al MIT cells would have been acti­vat­ed to this pur­pose. The PKK would have thwart­ed the activ­i­ties of some of these cells, and kept oth­ers under con­trol. As a reminder, an MIT cell was neu­tral­ized on August 7 between Zakho and Batoufa.

Up until now, the MIT was most­ly active and oper­a­tional in the line run­ning from Dohuk, Zakho to Erbil. In this lat­est attempt, accord­ing to medias in South­ern Kur­dis­tan, the zone known as Rap­erîn, (Ranya, Sen­geser and Qal­adze) was cho­sen as an oper­a­tional zone and one of the tar­gets was Cemil Bayık in per­son. Fol­low­ing prepa­ra­tions done in Souley­manieh, high lev­el cadres of the MIT arrived to give the green light. The same medias say these cadres were tak­en pris­on­er along with the MIT cell members.

South­ern Kurdistan’s tele­vi­sion sta­tion NRT announced that the MIT mem­bers are detained near the Dûkan Dam, but there is no spe­cif­ic con­fir­ma­tion on this.

Accord­ing to the Firat News Agency (ANF) the two MIT cadres respon­si­ble for coor­di­nat­ing the oper­a­tion and seized by the PKK car­ried Turk­ish diplo­mat­ic pass­ports and were part of the anti PKK branch of the MIT. The agency also reports that fol­low­ing the abort­ed oper­a­tion, the MIT con­tact­ed the PUK demand­ing release of their mem­bers from the hands of the PKK.

A PUK del­e­ga­tion spoke with the PKK but did not receive a favor­able response.


Such pro­grammed activ­i­ties are not new. The fact they are becom­ing more spe­cif­ic in the con­text of the inter­na­tion­al polit­i­cal talks that will be nec­es­sary after the fall of Raqqa, shows the ner­vous­ness of the AKP regime in a con­text where Turkey will not occu­py the space it strove to achieve, and where weight­ing on polit­i­cal and ter­ri­to­r­i­al divi­sions, espe­cial­ly on Kur­dish polit­i­cal options, will be the rule.

Desir­ing a « vic­to­ry », be it through the ter­ror­ist prac­tices of tar­get­ed assas­si­na­tions against known per­son­al­i­ties in a move­ment the « inter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty » finds oppor­tune to main­tain on the list of ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tions, the AKP is no longer sat­is­fied with its polit­i­cal hostages, nor with « migra­to­ry blackmail ».

Kedis­tan is not a spe­cial­ist in deci­pher­ing « dirty tricks » but see­ing this tan­gle of “ser­vices”, could not stay silent over an infor­ma­tion that match­es up with the tight­en­ing and tough­en­ing of the Turk­ish regime’s diplo­mat­ic and polit­i­cal stances, the mul­ti­ple attempt­ed attacks against Roja­va and the ever-grow­ing wave of inte­ri­or repression.

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges

In French : Une opéra­tion organ­isée par les “ser­vices turcs” échoue

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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.