Turk­ish children’s tales begin with « ram­bles » much longer than our « Once upon a time ».

One such ram­ble says : “I went a lit­tle way, I went a long one. I crossed plains and prairies, I cut tulips and hyacinths, flat­tened rivers and moun­tains. I drank cool water, I walked for six months and an autumn. I turned around, I looked back and I saw I had only moved for­ward by the size of a grain of oat. »

Here is an arti­cle by Ahmet Altan, pub­lished in 2009, when he was a con­trib­u­tor to Taraf, the very con­tro­ver­sial news­pa­per accused of being close to both Erdoğan and Gülen, in the begin­ning of the peri­od known as « the peace process » or the « res­o­lu­tion process » from 2009–2015.

The “res­o­lu­tion process » was not only pro­mot­ed by the Kur­dish par­ty, it also and main­ly served the AKP’s ascen­dan­cy, then pre­oc­cu­pied by elec­toral clien­telism and for its image as the « star pupil » in Euro­pean nego­ti­a­tions, and who con­sid­ered the process nec­es­sary to push aside the Kemal­ist armed forces from their strong­holds. The Gülenists were ardent sup­port­ers of this polit­i­cal process, up until their break with the AKP in 2013. The Kur­dish move­ment seized onto the « peace process » both in order to make real gains in mat­ters of lan­guage, cul­tur­al auton­o­my and social catch­ing up, and to avoid the divi­sion Erdoğan was attempt­ing to bring about by set­ting the Kurds against the PKK. This wel­comed and promis­ing peace ini­tia­tive was uni­lat­er­aly inter­rupt­ed by the AKP regime in 2015.

Ahmet Altan’s posi­tion was thus a « pro­gres­sive » one and stemmed from his unsway­ing anti-Kemal­ism. Today it comes across as rad­i­cal, so much have the ele­ments of the polit­i­cal sit­u­a­tion and Erdoğan’s absolute pow­er mud­died the waters on what were the posi­tions at the time.

Putting these texts or arti­cles in con­text will remain com­pli­cat­ed as long as the wide­spread analy­sis of Erdo­gan and the AKP’s rise to pow­er will keep under wraps this peri­od of alliances between the AKP, the Gülen move­ment, the sup­port of the EU and the « for­ward » mov­ing Kemal­ist nation­al­ists – alliances that cre­at­ed polit­i­cal reshuf­flings and the emer­gence of an oppo­si­tion oth­er than the one along tra­di­tion­al divi­sions, and as long as Turkey will be con­sid­ered in « black and white » terms con­trast­ed with « sec­u­lar­ism, Repub­lic, democ­ra­cy » in the purest Nation-State style.

Yet this text is only 8 years old. And in those eight years, things have only « moved for­ward by the size of a grain of oat ».

We can only rec­om­mend books recent­ly pub­lished about this peri­od (notably Ahmet Insel or Hamit Bozarslan), avoid­ing the usu­al Kemal­ist tale, and that you dig again into “les racines du présent”, the excel­lent Susam Sokak blog.

In one word, the prob­lem is Turk­ish­ness.

The Kur­dish ques­tion in one word

We are cit­i­zens of the same country.

We live on the same lands.

Are we equal ?

Let’s put the ques­tion more clearly.

Are Turks and Kurds equal ?

Some will answer with­out hes­i­ta­tion “Of course we are equal ».

How are we equal with the Kurds ?

Turks speak Turk­ish, Kurds speak Kurdish.

What is the offi­cial lan­guage of the State?


There­fore we are not equal as far as lan­guage goes. The lan­guage of one group is « the offi­cial lan­guage of the State », and the lan­guage of the oth­er is not « official ».

In what lan­guage is school­ing done in the country ?

In Turk­ish.

Are there schools where Kur­dish is taught ?


Are there uni­ver­si­ties that teach in Kurdish ?


Teach­ing can even be done in Eng­lish, in French, but not in Kurdish.

There­fore, we are not equal either as far as school­ing goes.

Accord­ing to the Con­sti­tu­tion, how are cit­i­zens des­ig­nat­ed in this country ?

As Turks.

And how do we call the Kurds ?

We also call them Turks.

Are the Kurds Turks ?


Why then do we call them Turks ?

Because the Con­sti­tu­tion com­mands us to do so.

Accord­ing to the Con­sti­tu­tion, can the « Kur­dish » cit­i­zens of this coun­try be « Kurds » ?

They can­not.

So we are not equal before the Con­sti­tu­tion either.

We are not equal as per­tains to lan­guage, we are not equal as per­tains to school­ing, we are not equal as per­tains to the Constitution.

So in what are we equal ?

We are equal when it comes to doing our mil­i­tary ser­vice. Every­one does his mil­i­tary ser­vice, with­out dif­fer­en­ti­at­ing between a Kurd and a Turk.

We are also equal when it comes to pay­ing tax­es. Tax­es are col­lect­ed with­out dif­fer­en­ti­at­ing between a Kurd or a Turk.

There­fore, we are equal when it comes to our State « responsibilities ».

But we are not equal when it comes to what we receive from the State.

In your opin­ion, this is fair ?

You send a man to mil­i­tary ser­vice, you take his tax­es but you don’t accept equal­i­ty in lan­guage, in school­ing and in the Constitution.

Then you ask « Where’s the problem ? »

You get angry and say « Why are you cre­at­ing problems ? »

You kill humans, you throw them in pits, you shoot them on the streets, you tor­ture them in jail.

When you look at this pic­ture, where do you see the basis for the « Kur­dish Problem » ?

For me, there is only one reason.


The fact one peo­ple sees the oth­er as its slave.

And that it says in one word « You will accept my race, my lan­guage, my domination. »

Why then are we not equals with the Kurds ?

They answer « If we were equal, we would give them the same rights, and the coun­try would split up. »

Whose coun­try would split up ?


Who are we ?

The Turks.

Who then are the Kurds ?

Isn’t this their coun­try also ?

The answer is ready-made « Of course, it’s also their country ».

So, if this coun­try belongs to all of us, why are our fears rel­a­tive to the coun­try not « equal » ?

We’re afraid we’ll be « divid­ed » but why aren’t the Kurds afraid that they will be « divided » ?

Should not the « com­mon own­ers » of one coun­try have the same fears rel­a­tive to their com­mon country ?

We are afraid, because we think that we do not behave as « equals » with the Kurds, whom we see as slaves, and that they might want to put an end to that.

If one of a country’s two great peo­ple tries to impose its dom­i­na­tion on the oth­er by force, il will always be afraid of being « divided ».

And the coun­try ends up by divid­ing anyway.

If the Kur­dish lan­guage were one of the offi­cial lan­guages, if school­ing were done in Kur­dish, if the Con­sti­tu­tion did not call them « Turks » by force, would the coun­try have a Kur­dish problem ?


So the solu­tion to the prob­lem is evident.

What’s more, it is easy and simple.

We would be equal and the prob­lem would come to an end.

Why don’t we put an end to the problem ?

What makes Turks supe­ri­or to Kurds ?

Is it their num­bers, or the fact they have an army ?

Weapons, in oth­er words ?

If you pull out weapons as a start­ing point, why are you sur­prised to hear the sound of weapons in the mountains ?

Remove the weapons, stop play­ing the « lord » by force, there will be no more weapons in the mountain.

There won’t be a prob­lem anymore.

But first, accept before God and before Man, to be « equals ».

Ahmet Altan

August 5 2009

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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.