Here is the list of jour­nal­ists impris­oned in Turk­ish jails as of August 9th (source : “Media mon­i­tor­ing” on the P24 plat­form, updat­ed on a reg­u­lar basis.) Loup Bureau appears on the list since his arrest, with 163 others.

There­fore there are 164 jour­nal­ists in jail as of today.

1 Abdulkadir Turay, DİHA reporter
2 Abdullah Kılıç, Habertürk
3 Abdullah Özyurt, Zaman reporter
4 Murat Güreş, Gaziantep Güncel Editor-in-Chief
5 Furkan Gökşen, editor-in-chief
Loup Bureau, freelancer
7 Abdulvahap İş (Freelance journalist)
8 Abdürrahim Ersöz, Antalya
Ahmet Altan
10 Ahmet Memiş, Gazeteci, Haberdar news website
11 Ahmet Metin Sekizkardeş, Zaman journalist
12 Ahmet Şık, Cumhuriyet reporter
13 Ahmet Turan Alkan, Zaman
14 Ahmet Yavaş, TRT (Erzurum)
15 Akın Atalay, Pres. of Cumhuriyet Foundation Executive Board
16 Alaattin Güner, Cihan media director
17 Ali Ahmet Böken, TRT News coordinator
18 Ali Aşikar – Azadiya Welat
19 Ali Babür Boysal, Zaman page designer
20 Ali Bulaç, Eski Zaman columnist
21 Ali Konar, Azadiya Welat bureau chief
22 Ali Ünal, Zaman columnist
23 Ali Yüce, TRT Radio broadcasts chief
24 Arafat Dayan, Demokratik Ulus
25 Aslı Ceren Aslan, Özgür Gelecek
26 Atilla Taş, Meydan columnist
27 Ayhan Demir, Çaldıran News Agency
28 Ayşe Nazlı Ilıcak
29 Ayşenur Parıldak, Zaman, Haberdar
30 Aytekin Gezici, journalist/writer
31 Aziz İstegün, Diyarbakır Zaman representative
32 Bayram Kaya, Zaman reporter
33 Beytullah Özdemir, Zaman Düzce bureau chief
34 Burçin Dokgöz, former Zaman and Çorum reporter
35 Bünyamin Köseli, Aksiyon magazine reporter
36 Cebrail Parıltı, Anadolu Ajansı (AA) Derik reporter
37 Cemal Azmi Kalyoncu, Journalists and Writers’ Foundation
38 Ceren Taşkın, Hatay’ın Sesi
39 Cihan Acar, Bugün reporter
40 Cuma Kaya, Zaman
41 Cuma Ulus, Millet newspaper’s publications coordinator
42 Deniz Yücel, Die Welt
43 Emin Demir, Freelancer
44 Emre Soncan, Zaman defense reporter
45 Ercan Gün, Fox TV
46 Erdal Süsem, Eylül magazine editor
47 Erdal Şen, former Meydan managing editor
48 Erdoğan Alayamut, Dihaber reporter
49 Erol Yüksel (TRT News Department vice president))
50 Erol Zavar, Odak magazine, owner and newsroom director
51 Fahrettin Kılıç, Özgür Toplum
52 Faruk Akkan, Cihan news agency
53 Ferhat Çiftçi, Azadiya Welat Gaziantep bureau chief
54 Fevzi Yazıcı
55 Gökçe Fırat Çulhaoğlu, Türksolu columnist
56 Gökmen Ulu, Sözcü
57 Gurbet Çakar, Hevi women’s magazine
58 Gültekin Avcı
59 Habip Güler, Zaman reporter
60 Hakan Aksel, TRT producer-director
61 Hakan Ergün, Azadiya Welat and Özgür Gündem distributor
62 Hakan Taşdelen
63 Halil İbrahim Mert, TRT (Erzurum)
64 Hamit Dilbahar, Azadiya Welat columnist
65 Hamza Günerigök, TRT
66 Hanım Büşra Erdal, Zaman reporter and columnist
67 Hasan Duman, Özgürlükçü Demokrasi distributor
68 Haşim Söylemez, Aksiyon columnist
69 Hatice Duman, Atılım newspaper’s owner and managing editor
70 Hayati Yıldız, Azadiya Welat
71 Hidayet Karaca, Samanyolu Media Group President
72 Hülya Karakaya, Özgür Halk Managing Editor
73 Hüseyin Aydın, Cihan reporter
74 Hüseyin Turan, Zaman columnist
75 İbrahim Balta, Zaman business editor
76 İbrahim Kareyeğen, responsible editor for Zaman
77 İdris Okur, Cihan New Agency Çorum reporter
78 İdris Sayılgan, DİHA
79 İlker İlkan, Azadiya Welat
80 İnan Kızılkaya, Özgür Gündem Newsroom Editor
81 İsmail Avcı, Zaman
82 İsmail Efe, local press advisor in İzmir
83 Kadri Gürsel, Editorial Advisor
84 Kamuran Sunbat, DİHA Çukurova reporter (formerly)
85 Kemal Sancılı, Özgür Gündem copyrights holder
86 Kenan Karavil, Radyo Dünya editor-in-chief
87 Lokman Erdoğan, Çorum Manşet, owner
88 Mahir Kanaat, BirGün, head of accountingn
89 Mediha Olgun, Sözcü
90 Mehmet Altan
91 Mehmet Baransu, Taraf columnist/reporter
92 Mehmet Çakmakçı, reporter
93 Mehmet Dener, Şanlı editor-in-chief
94 Mehmet Güleş, DİHA
95 Mehmet Kuru, Zaman Eskişehir reporter
96 Mehmet Özdemir, Zaman columnist
97 Meltem Oktay, DİHA reporter
98 Meşale Tolu, ETHA translater
99 Mikail Barut, Özgür Halk former editor
100 Miktat Algül, Mezitli FM General Publications Coordinator
101 Mizgin Çay – Radyo Karacadağ
102 Muhammet Taşçılar, Şanlı editor-in-chief
103 Murat Aksoy, former Yeni Şafak columnist
104 Murat Avcıoğlu, Zaman
105 Murat Çapan,
106 Murat Dağdeviren (Demokrat Gebze owner)
107 Murat Sabuncu, Editor-in- Chief
108 Mustafa Erkan Acar, Bugün news editor,
109 Mustafa Gök, Ankara bureau chief for Ekmek ve Adalet magazine
110 Mustafa Ünal, Zaman
111 Mutlu Çölgeçen, Millet, newsroom coordinator
112 Mümtazer Türköne, Zaman columnist
113 Nadir Yücel, Çorum Yıldız (local) Editor-in-Chief
114 Nedim Türfent, DİHA
115 Nizamettin İzgi (Batman Newspaper’s owner)
116 Nur Ener, Yeni Asya
117 Nuri Durna, TRT
118 Nuri Yeşil, Azadiya Welat Dersim bureau chief
119 Nurullah Kaya, Gaziantep Zaman representative
120 Oğuz Usluer, Habertürk former broadcasts coordinator
121 Osman Yakut, Zaman Antalya
122 Ömer Çelik, DİHA news manager
123 Ömer Oruç, Cihan newspaper
124 Ömer Özdemir, Antalya eski Zaman muhabiri
125 Özcan Keser (TRT reporter)
126 Özkan Erdoğan, Özgürlükçü Demokrasi
127 Rabia Özkaya, Özgür Halk
128 Ramazan Alkan, Yeni Akit reporter
129 Resul Cengiz, Denizli reporter with Zaman
130 Sadık Demir – Radyo Karacadağ
131 Salih Erbekler – Radyo Karacadağ
132 Sami Tunca, Mücadele Birliği magazine Managing Editor
133 Selman Keleş, DİHA
134 Serhat Şeftali, Zaman regional bureau chief for the Med region
135 Serkan Aydemir, Bitlis Aktüel reporter
136 Serkan Erdoğan, Özgürlükçü Demokrasi
137 Seyid Kılıç, TRT News
138 Seyithan Akyüz, Azadiya Welat Adana bureau chief
139 Sezgin Kartal, Sosyalist Dayanımşa magazine
140 Şahabettin Demir, DİHA reporter
141 Şahin Alpay, Zaman columnist
142 Şeref Yılmaz, Irmak TV
143 Şerife Oruç, DİHA reporter
144 Şirin Çoban, Azadiya Welat
145 Tahsin Kürklü, Zaman – head of Logistics Department
146 Togay Okay, Özgür Gelecek
147 Tunca Öğreten, former Diken editor
148 Tuncer Çetinkaya, Zaman Antalya
149 Ufuk Şanlı, former Vatan columnist
150 Ulaş Sezgin, ETHA reporter
151 Ünal Tanık, Rota Haber editor-in-chief
152 Vahit Yazgan, İzmir Zaman bureau chief
153 Vedat Beki, Sözcü 18
154 Vedat Demir, former Yarına Bakış writer
155 Yakup Çetin, Zaman reporter
156 Yakup Şimşek, Zaman, marketing director
157 Yalçın Güler, TRT (Erzurum)
158 Yener Dönmez, Habervaktim news website
159 Yetkin Yıldız, Aktif Haber website editor
160 Yılmaz Kahraman, Özgür Halk editor
161 Yusuf Karataş, Evrensel columnist
162 Zafer Özsoy
163 Zehra Doğan, Jinha
164 Ziya Ataman, DİHA reporter

This video done in Feb­ru­ary 2017 is but a pale reflec­tion of the glob­al situation.

Polit­i­cal postages in Turkey (in French)

Plat­form P24 is the source every jour­nal­ist with a close or dis­tant look on Turkey needs to con­sult on a reg­u­lar basis. It is pub­lished in Turk­ish and in English.

If their num­bers dif­fer from those of oth­er inter­na­tion­al orga­ni­za­tions devot­ed to the defense of jour­nal­ists, it is because the inces­sant bal­let of arrest­ed ones await­ing tri­al and of those released on parole then re-impris­oned, does not always allow total clar­i­ty, giv­en the will­ful dis­in­for­ma­tion prac­ticed in Turkey. The sit­u­a­tion is even worse for activists or polit­i­cal fig­ures from the demo­c­ra­t­ic opposition.

It also hap­pens that dis­tinc­tions are made between « offi­cial » press card hold­ers and non offi­cial jour­nal­ists. Know­ing that the Turk­ish regime sup­press­es pro­fes­sion­al accred­i­ta­tions, as it often does for Kurds, this dis­tinc­tion does not hold. In 2016 for instance, our friend Zehra Doğan’s name did not appear on the inter­na­tion­al lists of jour­nal­ists in need of sup­port, and sev­er­al oth­ers were in her sit­u­a­tion. It also hap­pens that « domes­tic » dis­tinc­tions drawn in Turkey for « nation­al­is­tic » pur­pos­es, inter­vene even in the midst of calls to sol­i­dar­i­ty… Many res­i­dent « for­eign » jour­nal­ists fear they will not recov­er offi­cial per­mis­sion to work in-coun­try. The regime main­tains a per­ma­nent threat over them, con­ducive to self-censorship.

This is why this plat­form, found­ed by Turk­ish jour­nal­ist and writer Hasan Cemal strikes us as indis­pens­able, first of all for all mem­bers of the pro­fes­sion, and beyond that, for those orga­niz­ing trans-nation­al sup­port activ­i­ties. While hop­ing for their sake they will not find their own names added to the list some day.

They are all the regime’s polit­i­cal hostages.

They are the object of diplo­mat­ic manip­u­la­tions for some, and of domes­tic pol­i­cy for oth­ers. And one must read again the defense pre­sent­ed recent­ly before the court by an upright Ahmet Şık, to under­stand that kneel­ing before this regime is the worse way to behave and would show a seri­ous mis­un­der­stand­ing of its pro­found nature.

To defend them, we must leave diplo­ma­cy to the diplo­mats, polit­i­cal cun­ning to the politi­cians, legal argu­ments to the lawyers seri­ous­ly strug­gling before tri­bunals of injustice.

These same lawyers being them­selves sub­ject­ed to arrests and cus­tody. Giv­en the impos­si­bil­i­ty of bar­ring lawyers entire­ly from the pro­ceed­ings, instruc­tions based on judi­cia­ry quib­bling rel­a­tive to the Penal Code are being pre­sent­ed by the regime at the moment as dis­sua­sive argu­ments against inter­ven­tions by defense lawyers whose clients are charged with “ter­ror­ism”… Rep­re­sent­ing such a client would place them under threat of pro­fes­sion­al bans of up to two years.

The announced trans­fer of French jour­nal­ist Loup Bureau to anoth­er prison (in Van), cut­ting him off from his lawyer and dis­or­ga­niz­ing his defense is yet anoth­er illus­tra­tion of this pol­i­cy of dis­tanc­ing defen­dants from lawyers.

So it is best to under­stand the nature of this regime before con­fronting it and demand­ing the lib­er­a­tion of a jour­nal­ist. The Ger­man gov­ern­ment found this out in the case of Deniz Yücel, an edi­tor at Die Welt, still impris­oned in Turkey.

A cam­paign is under­way in France and in Europe to obtain Loup Bureau’s lib­er­a­tion, charged with intel­li­gence with ter­ror­ists because, notably, of the time he spent with the YPG/YPJ forces in Roja­va, from which he pro­duced a doc­u­men­tary for French TV5.

It is per­fect­ly obvi­ous that Loup Bureau did not go to Syr­ia, to Roja­va, to film stones and that he was well aware of the press­ing need for on-site infor­ma­tion, oth­er than the flood of anti-Kur­dish pro­pa­gan­da at one end, and the angel­ic cov­er­ing by a cer­tain « fem­i­nine » press keen on pret­ti­fy­ing death in the « girls’ war ». Because we con­stant­ly attempt to do this, we well under­stand his choic­es and his motives. And his col­leagues should absorb this notion when they express their sup­port. His choice to go back to the area is a choice of con­ti­nu­ity and persistence…

It is clear­ly a polit­i­cal stance, not just one of « human rights » but one that is both eth­i­cal and human­is­tic in its deal­ings with a war-mon­ger­ing Turk­ish regime’s mur­ders and exac­tions against more than half of its pop­u­la­tion, thus advis­ing its minori­ties of their sched­uled erad­i­ca­tion. Sig­nal­ing the Turk­ish regime’s role as war-mon­ger­er even in Syr­ia is part of the full infor­ma­tion jour­nal­ists must pro­vide, just as jour­nal­ists now impris­oned revealed how the Turk­ish regime act­ed in cahoots with ISIS and djihadism…

And please, let’s not hear pro­nounce­ments from lofty ones in jour­nal­ism schools of an « iso­lat­ed » case result­ing for a begin­ning freelancer’s mis­take. If that were the case, how could we explain the case of Turk­ish jour­nal­ist and writer Hamza Yalçın, who is any­thing but a begin­ner, and who is detained in Spain since August 3rd, fol­low­ing an inter­na­tion­al war­rant launched by Turkey ?

Is it con­sid­ered vul­gar to say that the sim­ple fact of tes­ti­fy­ing against this con­sti­tutes a polit­i­cal act ? Answer­ing in the affir­ma­tive total­ly legit­imizes the accu­sa­tion of ter­ror­ism against him, by renounc­ing to defend the human val­ues inspir­ing his actions.

It would be sur­pris­ing if the « Stock­holm syn­drome » came into play in the defense of Loup Bureau by some media and some of his col­leagues. Do they fear that in this indis­pens­able sol­i­dar­i­ty they will have to dig below ready-made opin­ions con­cern­ing Turkey, opin­ions now relayed for decades ?

Of course it is still dif­fi­cult to get a read­ing on Fran­co-Turk­ish rela­tions in the new French polit­i­cal con­fig­u­ra­tion. There was the recent case of Math­ias Depar­don, that was more in the nature of a thorn in the government’s side and yet dragged on for a long time. We do not know if his lib­er­a­tion came about because of « diplo­mat­ic efforts » or because of a total absence of evi­dence allow­ing the pro­duc­tion of an indict­ment of some domes­tic use in Turkey…Perhaps it was a com­bi­na­tion of both. And that is why we can be some­what wary of the « promis­es » made at the time by diplomats…

The ran­som of silence…

But on the con­trary and pre­cise­ly for these rea­sons, defend­ing polit­i­cal hostages, impris­oned jour­nal­ists, by doing one’s job of inform­ing, is a way to show Europe the true face of this regime, and to denounce the per­ma­nent Munichs play­ing out.

And there’s no dearth of top­ics to choose from… Among oth­ers, at ran­dom, the slow death promised to NURİYE ET SEMİH on hunger strike for 157 days and thrown in jail… No, this is not jump­ing from one top­ic to another…

Jour­nal­ism is not a crime.

TO follow and relay the news from Loup Bureau’s Support Committee:
Follow the Facebook support page Free Loup Turkey and the hashtag #FreeLoupTurkey

Loup Bureau

Trans­la­tion by Renée Lucie Bourges.
French ver­sion > Loup Bureau, Deniz Yücel, et 162 autres journalistes

Head­line image : Philippe Bec­quelin, alias MIX & REMIX

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Let­tres mod­ernes à l’Université de Tours. Gros mots poli­tiques… Coups d’oeil politiques…