Here you are, impa­tient for the lib­er­a­tion of a jour­nal­ist our media defines as a ter­ror­ist. Are you as impa­tient that he bring you news of our coun­try, Turkey ?

We haven’t had any such news our­selves for over a year and, more specif­i­cal­ly from this region where he was tak­en and where Kurds live in the major­i­ty with, appar­ent­ly, « con­flict between Turk­ish armed forces and PKK rebels. » Isn’t that how your media in Europe talk of the dead, and the destruc­tions caused by the armed nation­al­is­tic bands of the Turk­ish State ?

I seem to under­stand that this jour­nal­ist had a sharp­er out­look on this. Are you in such a hur­ry that he inform you ?

As for news of our coun­try, Turkey, what do you do with it most of the time ?

Great shows of « Ah, and they want to be part of Europe ! » or « That great lay Mus­lim democ­ra­cy was so fine before », and the best for dessert : « Turkey remains an indis­pens­able part­ner and must respect its agree­ments », when speak­ing of the refugee park­ing lot at the east­ern entrance to the Europe Store …

Yes, you don’t make much of « news from Turkey » most of the time, except on Sun­days and on hol­i­days. That jail­ings be car­ried out by truck­loads, that women be beat­en and raped more than occa­sion­al­ly, no mat­ter what clothes they’re wear­ing, that « minori­ties » be elim­i­nat­ed in the name of the past even though they wish to live on, that hunger strik­ers be left to die for demand­ing their jobs back, that Turk­ish tanks cross the bor­der to play police force in Syr­ia… All that doesn’t seem to inter­est too many peo­ple, oth­er than « spe­cial­ists » or authors of « inter­na­tion­al columns » manda­to­ry for any self-respect­ing media.

So, why this impa­tience for the return of a jour­nal­ist whose work is prob­a­bly ignored by edi­tors, except if there’s a scoop or some­thing sen­sa­tion­al in sight ? Those Kur­dish women are sexy, aren’t they ?

You know, we can keep him for a good while if he both­ers you…

Because, face it, his tim­ing is off. The French have a brand new Pres­i­dent, a brand new polit­i­cal major­i­ty, and a brand new oppo­si­tion too. And you would dis­turb all this nation­al pol­i­cy because of a lit­tle « free­lance » jour­nal­ist who will ask you to lift your eyes away from Euro­pean navel gaz­ing ? No, you can’t be serious ?

Yes ?

Or is this a way to show, once again, that when it comes to « human rights » and « free­dom of expres­sion », you are the world cham­pi­ons and that us, Mid­dle East­ern­ers, have a lot to learn?

Already when your cement mak­ers and mix­ers, thanks to our Reis, show us every day that the « new Turkey » is ris­ing thanks to them, we are filled with won­der at this « human progress ».

Yes, tru­ly, your impa­tience at pock­et­ing the ben­e­fits of human coop­er­a­tion goes straight to our hearts. You do so much for our Turk­ish politi­cians that we will nev­er be able to keep enough war refugees to thank you.

So think, why are you so keen for the lib­er­a­tion of this “jour­nal­ist” ? Sim­ply because he’s a “jour­nal­ist” ??? Because you real­ly think our Reis is only angry at “jour­nal­ists” ? Yet we know a whole lot of them he loves over here… And there are some he tol­er­ates quite well in Europe when they remain « objec­tive » and place on a same foot­ing the regime and its oppo­nents, or when they prac­tice « selec­tive silence ». Do you real­ly think the boy went to Syr­ia to take pic­tures of rocks ? And that he insist­ed on see­ing Kur­dis­tan again to do his shop­ping ? I think he went there rather to seek out infor­ma­tion usu­al­ly hid­den from us…

And that’s the rea­son why he must be defend­ed, and not only as an objec­tive tourist pho­tog­ra­ph­er trav­el lover…What if you sup­port­ed him for the young curi­ous and pas­sion­ate one he seems to be, and who has vowed to tes­ti­fy ? What if you sup­port­ed him as the one who is inter­est­ed in us ?

The brand new French Pres­i­dent will seek light from his lantern dur­ing his hol­i­days [translator’s note : La Lanterne is the name of the offi­cial French Pres­i­den­tial retreat.] I read it in your papers. Good for him, if it sheds light for him on our dark night.

Good for him if, between two pro­to­cols, he deigns to send his Con­sul vis­it a “ter­ror­ist” in prison.

Because that boy is going to need a great deal of help.

When we say that Dame Merkel did not man­age to have a Ger­man-Turk­ish jour­nal­ist lib­er­at­ed, we tell our­selves that, maybe the Pres­i­dent of France will try anoth­er method.

He should scowl and, « at the same time » [translator’s note : one of the French President’s favorite expres­sions], offer a rebate on the Istan­bul metro con­struc­tion site, via his Vin­ci enter­prise. Those things are done, between “part­ners”…

That said, beyond the « gazettes », there won’t be need of impa­tience so much as of con­stan­cy and persistence.

Beyond the 160 jour­nal­ists locked up in Turkey, an entire coun­try is dying of its divi­sions and of the polit­i­cal cow­ardice of Human Rights Euro­peans. And a young and pas­sion­ate young man by the name of Loup Bureau, even with eyes wide open, fell into the trap any­way… So that he could keep you informed.

I saw also that your medias talked about Amnesty Inter­na­tion­al Turkey for two weeks, while it made for sales…I’m afraid it will be the same thing for this young jour­nal­ist, so impa­tient are they to move on to some­thing else.

Yet it is a joy to see when the « world of jour­nal­ists » impos­es pub­li­ca­tion and dis­tri­b­u­tion a bit every­where to its media out­lets. And that puts me to the lie, so much the bet­ter ! But don’t for­get us either ! We have to live here, in this damned coun­try under demo­c­ra­t­ic dictatorship…

So, French peo­ple, before your Pres­i­dent goes on hol­i­days, you will have to make a lot of noise under his win­dows, and not just hope that he reads an impa­tient Figaro.

Be indul­gent with the irony of an old Turk­ish woman who no longer expects any­thing, con­demned to using words in order to express her ills.

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Loup Bureau

Trans­la­tion by Renée Lucie Bourges.
French ver­sion > Loup Bureau • Let­tre aux médias impatients

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