Cumhuriyet is part of the pile of read news­pa­pers that long throned on the couch. So, sud­den­ly, I put a ques­tion to myself since my « news » deliv­ery man has changed.

Has he been arrested ?

Because, read­ing the defence of the accused at the cur­rent tri­al, a real ques­tion crops up :

The deliv­ery man hav­ing touched the news­pa­per every day for so long, and this paper being writ­ten and direct­ed by jour­nal­ists who had their floors main­tained by a crafts­man whose broth­er-in-law knew some­one who knew some­one who had spo­ken about Gülen dur­ing a meal at the restau­rant, I’m wor­ried for this boy, and for myself by ric­o­chet. I hope they don’t make him talk…

I think this is what you call in French ‘the man who saw the man who saw the bear’, no ?

The pros­e­cu­tors have writ­ten up such indict­ments that it’s now enough to shop in the same bou­tique as the neigh­bor to the cousin of a sus­pect to be held in cus­tody, and the shop own­er too.

Musa Kart, to pick one at ran­dom, the car­i­ca­tur­ist at Cumhuriyet, offered up his defence with these words : « Rather than stay­ing qui­et­ly in Bodrum in a room with a view on the sea while hop­ing for three days of sun­shine, I’ve spent the past 9 months in a cell with view on the con­crete in Silivri. I’m expe­ri­enc­ing a reser­va­tion mix-up and I couldn’t let it pass with­out mention. »

How else to respond to an injus­tice pros­e­cu­tor who can seri­ous­ly charge jour­nal­ists with defend­ing in their columns three dif­fer­ent orga­ni­za­tions at once, all con­sid­ered as crim­i­nal and ter­ror­ist, and all fight­ing one anoth­er to the death ?

At that rate, they may as well be pros­e­cut­ed for mul­ti­ple adul­ter­ies, there will cer­tain­ly be an arti­cle in sharia law that will fit the charge.

Musa Kart is fac­ing a sen­tence of 29 years of impris­on­ment. He is, sup­pos­ed­ly, the mem­ber of an orga­ni­za­tion to which he drew atten­tion, through polit­i­cal car­i­ca­tures show­ing the inor­di­nate amount of space this orga­ni­za­tion then occu­pied as Erdogan’s right arm in rul­ing the State. Since then, the Erdoğan-Gülen divorce has been pro­nounced. This changes noth­ing to the accu­ra­cy of the car­i­ca­tures. In 23 years, Musa has drawn a lot of car­i­ca­tures against Gülen… I sup­pose the pros­e­cu­tor will say « spare the rod, spoil the child. »

But put your mind at ease, all of the accused denounce the hypocrisy, the inco­her­ence, the absence of jus­tice and they do it in all seri­ous­ness too. Not because the jour­nal­ists at Cumhuriyet believe even for an instant that they will con­vince the judges, but because, from what I’ve seen, their Euro­pean jour­nal­is­tic col­leagues are final­ly budg­ing and pub­lish­ing their com­ments. It was about time that the sto­ry move out of inter­net web­sites for the ini­ti­ates and out of the lim­it­ed cir­cles of jour­nal­ists aware of the vast­ness of the purges…For how long have I been kvetch­ing now and say­ing that soon, we won’t find any­thing to read that doesn’t smell of the Reis’ aftershave ?

When, in the same days, we hear and see writ­ten that our « author­i­ties » now des­ig­nate Amnesty as the lat­est ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tion that met to orga­nize a secret putsch, one year after the failed one that fell out of the sky to help Erdoğan, we start to hallucinate.

Our regime becomes that of the man who saw the man who didn’t see the psychiatrist.

The worst part is that, if the Reis calls for the rein­state­ment of the death penal­ty against those defend­ing rights, and human rights in par­tic­u­lar, there will be some to find this smart.

But there are no pills against the mur­der­ous fol­ly of a regime that cir­cles on its chief with­out know­ing how to stop. A spin­ning top fascinates.

If it didn’t hurt me to do so, I would have each and every one of the appeals filed by the accused and their defend­ers and res­onat­ing in the court rooms trans­lat­ed. But I’ve even stopped look­ing them up on the web. Cumhuriyet will also for­give me for not com­ing out to sup­port them. I’m sav­ing my ener­gy for my for­mer news­pa­per deliv­ery man.

Turkey is a jail vis­it­ed by tourists in search of sun and exo­tism. And we go on smil­ing at them, as if noth­ing was going on. Per­haps peo­ple vis­it­ed War­saw in the same way dur­ing the 40’s ? It was a beau­ti­ful town because it was destroyed.

By the way, you should move Euro­pean head­quar­ters to Munich… Just a thought in passing.

Illus­tra­tion : Oğuz Demir

Trans­la­tion by Renée Lucie Bourges
In French : Cumhuriyet, ta république est une dictature

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