The White House, through the voice of Trump in per­son, approved the sup­ply of weapons to the Kur­dish mili­tias of the YPG fight­ing the dji­hadists of ISIS in Syr­ia, a spokesman for the Pen­ta­gon declared on Tues­day… Sound the trumpets !

A wire from the AFP (Agence France Presse) pro­vid­ed mate­r­i­al for arti­cles, some of which nonethe­less men­tioned a few ambi­gu­i­ties, oth­ers invent­ing from « reli­able sources » the nature of the weapons to be provided.

Appar­ent­ly, there would be no major con­tra­dic­tion when, in this same impulse, a few hours before the announce­ment on weapons for the YPG, the Amer­i­can Sec­re­tary of Defense Jim Mat­tis declared in Copen­hagen that the Unit­ed States would involve Turkey in its mil­i­tary oper­a­tions against Raqqa. And every­one delights main­ly in speak­ing of Erdogan’s anger — staged in sub­stance for the gallery.

This “bal­let” is orches­trat­ed on the eve of Erdogan’s vis­it to the Unit­ed States, sched­uled for May 16th.

Would the Turk­ish regime be find­ing here here one ele­ment of a response to its aer­i­al bomb­ings on North­ern Syr­ia (28 vic­tims) and pre­cise­ly in Rojava’s zones and instal­la­tions ? These bomb­ings were sus­pend­ed fol­low­ing warn­ings, notably in the form of pre-posi­tion­ing in bor­der zones of Amer­i­can troops, which had already raised ques­tions. Fol­low­ing agree­ments over Alep, Russ­ian forces hav­ing posi­tioned them­selves near Afrin for « the sur­veil­lance of these same agreements ».

An aer­i­al exclu­sion zone was then request­ed by the North Syr­i­an Con­fed­er­a­tion… And, using oth­er terms, Erdo­gan had reit­er­at­ed the need for a « secu­ri­ty zone » which he did not call a « buffer », for once.

We are ful­ly con­scious of the Turks’ con­cerns for their safe­ty, » Jeff Davis said in sub­stance, accord­ing to the AFP wire.

This sup­port to the « anti-Bachar rebel forces » and the role Turkey has played and goes on play­ing in the evac­u­a­tions fol­low­ing the re-cap­ture of Alep by the regime and the « secur­ing » of pop­u­la­tions is not dis­in­ter­est­ed. At a min­i­mum, it allows the Turk­ish AKP regime to keep a toe in inter­na­tion­al diplo­ma­cy, while hav­ing to sub­mit to a Russ­ian diplo­mat­ic tute­lage, that even involved a few « stray rock­ets » a few months ago.

The ongo­ing dis­cus­sion and hag­gling in which Turkey must be involved de fac­to, lead to con­ces­sions and arm twist­ing all around.

Rus­sia and the Unit­ed States, the two major impe­ri­al­is­tic forces, while nev­er say­ing out loud what are their true « inter­ests in need of pro­tec­tion », and tak­ing refuge behind labels such as « anti ISIS » and « coali­tions », steer a del­i­cate course between Iran, Turkey, the Irakian Kurds, and con­tra­dic­to­ry and com­bined mil­i­tary actions.

Bomb­ings in the back of the YPG/YPJ forces, an essen­tial com­po­nent of the Syr­i­an Demo­c­ra­t­ic Forces, have slowed pro­gres­sion toward Raqqa and “objec­tive­ly” aid­ed ISIS, even if Erdo­gan denies this. The hound­ing by Irakian Kurds of the lib­er­at­ed zones around Shin­gal haven’t helped either. Of course, the pur­pose and intent in both were, of course, to rein­force the weaponiz­ing against Roja­va and the instru­men­tal­iza­tion, plain and sim­ple, of the YPG/YPJ forces in the fight against ISIS, out­side any con­sid­er­a­tion of the ongo­ing polit­i­cal process­es in Roja­va and in the North Syr­i­an Confederation.

The “Kurds are doing the job” Trump says. In no way does he spec­i­fy what he will do after­ward, con­cern­ing the Syr­i­an democ­ra­cy to come…

To crown the whole thing, when Amer­i­can offi­cials make no secret of their inten­tion to rein­force intel­li­gence with Turkey, a NATO mem­ber, in the war against « the ter­rorisms », thus tar­get­ing the PKK, one has an idea of the back­stab­bing a Trump could be prepar­ing, once mil­i­tary relieved of the offen­sives against ISIS.

In mil­i­tary terms in fact, the offen­sive on Raqqa depends more on these nego­ti­a­tions on which the Bachar regime keeps a care­ful eye via its Iran­ian and Russ­ian allies.

So, rejoic­ing and start­ing the fire­works based on Trump’s reversible deci­sion, appears pre­ma­ture, most reck­less or, worse, igno­rant con­cern­ing the ongo­ing demo­c­ra­t­ic process­es. Sup­port for Roja­va deserves bet­ter than sow­ing illu­sions based on Trump’s mean-mind­ed­ness, as they were on yesterday’s cel­e­bra­tions of Putin’s « benev­o­lent virility ».

Luck­i­ly, the Kur­dish forces are not fooled, and nor are their rep­re­sen­ta­tives who greet this news as « we always take what’s good to take, but with eyes wide open », to sum­ma­rize their reactions.

It would be most unseem­ly in Euro­pean coun­tries to give the con­trary impres­sion, by strew­ing lit­tle hearts all over AFP wires.

For sure, one Trump hides another…

Trans­la­tion by Renée Lucie Bourges
French ver­sion > Atten­tion, un Trump peut en cacher un autre…

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