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We present two mag­nif­i­cent strips from the Ital­ian artist Gian­lu­ca Costan­ti­ni whose mot­to is “every­thing is art, every­thing is polit­i­cal” Gian­lu­ca in colab­o­ra­tion with jour­nal­ists has pro­duced a few strips of “graph­ic jour­nal­ism” includ­ing some about Turkey.

Gian­lu­ca Costan­ti­ni (Raven­na, 1971) has exhib­it­ed in a num­ber of muse­ums and gal­leries abroad: the Lazarides Gallery, Lon­don (2009), the Salon du dessin con­tem­po­rain, Car­rousel du Lou­vre, Paris (2010), the Dox Cen­tre for Con­tem­po­rary Art, Prague, the Muse­um of Graph­ic Humor Dio­genes Tabor­da, Buenos Aires (2014). In Italy, his draw­ings were exhib­it­ed along­side Alighiero Boet­ti’s works at the Muse­um of Con­tem­po­rary Art in Lis­sone (2013), or made up large instal­la­tions and themed projects, such as the D406 gallery in Mod­e­na and the Cen­tro Arti Opi­fi­cio Siri in Terni. As a Graph­ic Jour­nal­ist, he gave a lec­ture at the Ars Elec­tron­ic Cen­ter in Linz (2009) and took part in the Fes­ti­val Human Rights in Lugano (2015).

With him, draw­ing can become a per­for­ma­tive act, in a mag­i­cal dia­logue with dif­fer­ent sto­ries ad lan­guages: it hap­pened with Hanif Kureshi at the Teatro Alighieri in Raven­na (2011), and with Emidio Clemen­ti, the singer and bass play­er with Mas­si­mo Vol­ume in Modena.

  • gianluca costantini zehra dogan

Gian­lu­ca has an array of mate­r­i­al about the Kur­dish peo­ple and oth­er groups resist­ing in Turkey  among oth­er things, as well as strips in sup­port of Alle­po, Key­wan Kari­mi and Chelsea Manning…

We note with amuse­ment that his blog was being cen­sured by the Turk­ish gov­ern­ment last June.

Gian­lu­ca also co-oper­ates with Alber­to Tet­ta, a free lance jour­nal­ist and scriptwrit­ter, who has been liv­ing in istan­bul for ten years, as well as Francesca Tosarel­li, pho­to­jour­nal­ist, cam­er­a­woman and cross media director.

Gian­lu­ca Costan­ti­ni | | Twit­ter @chan­nel­draw

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Gianluca Costantini Gianluca Costantini

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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.